What if I told you that with just a few drops you could…
Change you life
Change your families lives
Start you on a path to non-toxic living
Support your families health
Even support the health of your fur-babies!
What are these magic drops?
Good question, they are essential oils! They are a safe and effective way keep you and your family happy, calm, and healthy!
As a new mom of twins my life was chaotic, I was stressed all the time. My kids were all over the place, my husband was finishing his college degree and looking for a job. I was home alone, I was tired, and stressed out beyond belief when a friend of mine offered to send me some essential oils samples. I had tried oils before and never seen or felt anything from them but I was like ‘what the heck, why not’ so I said yes and she sent me some magic in a bottle. She told me all about how to use these essential oils properly, she said there are many ways to use these oils. However, she said most people use diffusers to get the full effects of the oils. She told me all about cold air diffusion and how she thought that was the best method. Apparently, that allows people to feel the full therapeutic benefits and allows you to smell the full fragrance in the room. That would make me less stressed apparently, so it was definitely worth a shot. Whilst that was extremely useful advice, the first thing I did was put a drop Peace & Calming oil on my 8-month-old (at the time) twins onesies as I’d heard you could do that too.
And they slept through the night!
Praise Jesus, hallelujah! That was the first time they had ever slept through the night and I was hooked.
Any other moms going ‘I need theses oils NOW!!!”?
Okay So What Are Essential Oils Really?

What Can I Use Essential Oils For?
There are so many ways to use essential oils in your life the possibilities are practically endless.
Diffuse them to make your house smell lovely and boost your mood.
They are great additions to many DIY cleaners.
They are wonderful at supporting health!
Great to use in your DIY beauty routine.
I’ve created an awesome 6 day Essential Oils 101 e-mail course to help you learn how to use them!
Why Join My Team?
With so many people out there selling essential oils why be part of my team? I know you see network marketing/ MLM and are thinking about all those annoying facebook groups you’ve been added to, so lets start off with things I won’t do.
- Pretend I am an expert and can solve all your problems. I’m not, I know what I know and will freely share my knowledge, but really I want to give your resources and empower you to do research and take charge of your own health and life!
- Spam you every day with this ‘amazing product you just have to try’. All the products are great but I am not going to try and get you to buy something if I don’t think it fits your needs. What I will do is talk with you about what your goals are suggest products and maybe even send you a sample or two to try out.
- Add you to every facebook group ever. Yeah, I hate that too. While I love the community on the facebook groups and encourage everyone to join and learn, ultimately the choice is up to you, I’ll invite you to a group and you can choose to join or not.
- Push you to sell. I know not everyone wants to sell the products, some of y’all just want to shop in peace and leave that business sh*t to someone else, and I am totally cool with that, I will never, ever push you to do something you don’t want to.
- Tell you you have to use essential oils a certain way. We all do our own research and all choose how to use essential oils. Some people only want to diffuse them, other use them in skin, products, some just straight up slather oils on, some will ingest them. You do what you’re comfortable doing, there is no ‘wrong way’ to use essential oils, okay, well there is, but you get what I mean!
There are so many Essential Oil companies out there. So why should you choose Young Living?

Young Living is the oldest, most trusted and well-respected essential oil company in the world. And with 25+ years of research and experience, we are the only essential oil company with our own farms offering a seed to seal guarantee. I personally advocate ‘knowing thy farmer’, because hey, I’m a farmer and I buy almost everything else I don’t grow, from local farms that I can visit. It is very important to me to know where my food is grown, so knowing where the plants are grown to make the essential oils I am applying to my body, is no different.
Young Living’s has an amazing Seed to Seal process and is the heart of our commitment to purity and authenticity. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, we apply the most rigorous quality controls possible to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended with as many molecular components as possible.
Young Living farms are completely open about their farming practices. They are sustainable, beneficial to the environment around them and the people they employ and are surrounded by. I hope all of you will take the opportunity to visit a Young Living farm for a harvest someday. You will be awe inspired! They love for their members to be a part of the seed plantings and encourage them to join in the harvest and distillation process. There are no pesticides or chemicals used on their farms. They have crews that hand pick the weeds. There is simply no other essential oil company with the pedigree and commitment to quality as Young Living.
Get Your Essential Oils
Young Living provides 2 types of memberships Retail Customer and Wholesale Memberships.
Retail Customer
Free to join
No membership fees.
No yearly dues.
This type of membership allows you to easily order the oils and products that you need at retail pricing, plus tax & shipping–sort of like purchasing from your own private store.
This membership does not get you wholesale pricing.
Wholesale Membership
Purchase some kick ass starter kits!
Save 24% off of retail pricing.
Essential Rewards to save even more!
No membership fees.
No yearly dues.
No obligation.
No selling required.
To keep wholesale pricing all you have to do is buy $50 (50pv) worth of products during the year. This is crazy easy to do because once you try the oils you will fall in love with them and how much they can improve your life and will want more!
As a member of my super awesome oily team, you gain not only great, healthy, and safe products to use. You also gain a large resource network to ask your oil related questions and access to a secret oily Facebook Group! I think of it as my large oily family!

- Dewdrop™ Diffuser
- Premium Essential Oils Collection;
- Lavender 5-ml
- Peppermint Vitality™ 5-ml
- Lemon Vitality™ 5-ml
- Copaiba Vitality™ 5-ml
- Frankincense 5-ml
- Thieves® Vitality™ 5-ml
- Citrus Fresh™ 5-ml
- Raven™ 5-ml
- DiGize™ Vitality™ 5-ml
- PanAway® 5-ml
- Stress Away™ 5-ml
- AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
- Thieves Household Cleaner 1-oz. sample
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
- 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
- 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
- Product Guide and Product Price List
- Essential Oils Magazine
- Essential Edge News
- Member Resources
All of this is just $160 USD! On it’s own the Everyday Oils kit is $163.13 and the Home Diffuser is $83. Getting the kit you save almosy $100 off the retail price!
Sign Up Now
But WAIT…There’s More!!
(You guys, I crack myself up, I had to do that, it always make me laugh on infomercials!)
Remember, when you join as a Wholesale Member you never have to sell anything and you will get the 24% discount for the life of your membership! But if you choose to refer a friend or family member to Young Living with a Premium Starter Kit you will get a check (aka cash money) in the mail to thank you for the referral.
Many people find that referring 1-3 friends a month to Young Living will get your monthly order paid for and if you refer more– that’s just money in your pocket. If you choose to start a business, our team can help you succeed by offering support, workshops, classes and other tips and tricks. You are not alone– we are all part of an oily family! If you are already with a different team, then please talk to your sponsor to see what educational programs and support that they provide.
We’re always looking for new leaders, so if you’re a little interested, or a lot interested in the business, let me know and we can chat!